
I'm Lily Brown

Hello! I’m Lily Brown, and my passion lies in guiding individuals like you through transformative life coaching. With a heart full of empathy and a wealth of professional experience, I’ve dedicated my life to helping people discover their true potential and lead lives brimming with purpose and joy.

The girl behind the screen...

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Let's Connect

My Core Values

Empathy and Understanding

At the heart of my coaching is a profound empathy and understanding. I believe in creating a safe, non-judgmental space where every story is valued.

Holistic and Personalised Growth

I’m committed to holistic growth, addressing not just career or personal goals but nurturing all life facets. Each client’s journey is personalised for their unique path.

Empowerment and Self-Discovery

Empowerment is key. I strive to equip clients with tools and insights for self-discovery, helping them to unlock their potential and make meaningful life changes.

Want to change your life?

Let's Work Together

Fun facts about me

Favourite Treat

Strawberry ice-cream 

Currently Watching

The Traitors

Go to workwear

Midi skirt & oversized tee’s

I'm always drinking


I want to visit


Listening to

Taylor Swift